Found 13 blog entries tagged as Selling Your Home.

Curb Appeal

Sometimes it only takes a few simple changes to dress up the exterior of a house add some curb appeal. Below are a few tips to perk up your home.

Paint the front door: Painting the front door a bold colour, like red, black, purple, or green, can add a boost to your home and make it stand out.

New lighting and hardware: Adding a new outside light, some solar lights, new railings, hardware for the doors, or replacing an old storm door can easily update the look of your home.

Repaint: Painting the trim, the stucco, or the siding can give a home the boost that it needs, and do so inexpensively.

Landscaping: By adding new shrubs, bushes, rocks, plants, or trees, the exterior can take on a fresh new look. Adding a new walk way by…

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Tips to Keeping Your Home Ready for Showings

The big part of selling a home is showing it to perspective buyers as it’s a must to make your home available to those who are in the market to buy. Without showings and open houses, there is really no point in selling your home. While it’s true that showing your home can be a juggling act that requires consistently being on top of things, with a few tweaks, you can make this part of selling your home less stressful.

Prepare your home for selling means decreasing the clutter and making everything more manageable. Once you have organized and prepped your home, it should be a little easier to keep things in their place.

Get the whole family onboard with pitching in. Many hands make light work. The kids,…

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