Found 198 blog entries tagged as real estate.

 13 Things to Know About Selling Your Home in Fall and ...

You may be thinking of listing your home soon, for a variety of reasons. Some fun and exciting reasons. Some sad, even scary reasons. There's a good chance you are likely thinking of waiting until spring because someone somewhere at sometime said that is the best time to list. That may not be the case.


There are a number of reasons many “experts” claim that spring is the best time to list: "people prefer to move in good weather", "more people are out shopping", "selling prices are statistically higher".... most of these reasons are highly subjective and often inaccurate when broken down to the individual home.


Having worked in the Edmonton housing industry for 13 years I can state from my own experience that some of my busiest months…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 5 of 5


After a sluggish 2019, it was hoped that Alberta’s economy would pick up steam in 2020.

Then COVID happened.

The negative economic effects of the pandemic were initially underestimated. COVID-19 was seen by many as a short-term disruption that would be over almost as soon as it began. If only.

Once it was clear the pandemic would be with us for some time, the negative economic effects were overestimated with talk of another Great Depression making headlines.

The economic…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 4 of 5

Notwithstanding the many American citizens who live in Canada, most of us cannot vote in U.S. elections. And yet, we pay attention to them as much or more than we do our own—at least when the presidency is on the line. The U.S. is, after all, our neighbour, largest trading partner, military ally, main source of tourists and the winter landing spot for many snowbirds from Canada. 

The recent race between President Trump and former Vice President Biden for what is arguably the most powerful elected position in the world was particularly gripping.

What does…

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Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 3 of 5

China has become, and will continue to be, a source of important economic news. From a trade war with the United States to its rapid economic recovery in the face of COVID to the signing of the The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), China continues to make large economic waves with ripple effects felt around the world, including Alberta.

Some of us on The Owl team are long enough in the tooth to remember when the big economic player and newsmaker in Asia was Japan. China was barely on the radar.

Fast forward to today, and even though…

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The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 2 of 5

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics

Second only to the pandemic in terms of its negative impact on the Alberta economy in 2020 is the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Back in January 2020 before COVID was a household word, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) forecast for the average price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude in 2020 was $US59. As of December 8, the EIA expects the 2020 average to come in just under $39. The price averaged $57 in 2019.

The demand destruction brought on by the pandemic is the main reason for the difference, but bad…

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